I wonder if it's related to something changing in the game after it updated though from the Github commits GTA V was used for a crash report and tested extensively and there hasn't been any new patches to the game for a while now so from that it should still be compatible. Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation. Interestingly the game crashing was part of a commit included in 3.4.0 for the I think DX10/DX11 depth buffer improvements so it's curious it's now causing a crash instead.

Mostly the usual set of suggestions, removing the presets and shaders and trying to load ReShade blankly could also be a thing if there's a issue with a shader or a change in the code. (Or Steam will do a full validation and re-download missing stuff on restart which takes up a bit of time.)

Only thing to try here is to shut those down and verify they're not lingering before trying again, also includes the Steam overlay itself for games using the Steam client but disabling it only hides the overlay so you need to rename GameOverlay64.dll or what it's called in the Steam folder to get it out and then name it back afterwards. dll might be something to try if one doesn't work chances are another could since the injection order might differ slightly.Īnd for software that's overlays, monitoring programs and anything from anti virus to game specific quirks including software working in one game but breaking compatibility in another if used together with other utilities.

On that note renaming the file and injecting through D3D9, D3D11 or DXGI. Injectors would be for GTA V I think it's chiefly ENB so moving that and testing with just ReShade would confirm if it's a conflict or not and then if there is then it might be possible to use ENB to proxy load ReShade instead of trying to load D3D11.dll and DXGI.dll directly or similar. Is there any other injectors used? Other third party programs?